Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Updated Calendar

The January meeting has been changed to January 27

Feb 17 (Change) - Meeting at Moosewood 5:30 youngers, 6:45 olders 
WE WILL BE OUTSIDE FOR MOST OF THIS MEETING.  DRESS ACCORDINGLY Snacks: Olders: Courtney Dalman  Youngers: Need a volunteer

Feb 8 - Winter Fun Day for 4H Families!  Come join us for outdoor fun.  More details to be announced.  Plan for the whole afternoon!  Snacks: 
Feb 9 - Marquette Mtn 4H Ski Day - We won't go as an organized group to this, but it is reduced prices for all Mqt county 4H.  Enjoy on your own!

Mar. 2nd - Marquette Mountain 4H ski day.  Reduced cost.  Let's try to get as many Challenge Seekers there as we can for this day.  Kim and Kathy will be there too.

March 3 - Meeting at Moosewood 5:30 youngers, 6:45 olders  Snacks: Olders: Savannah Wood Youngers: Need a volunteer

March 14-15  Winter Camping trip - Cancelled

Summer Trip: Porcupine Mountain Backpacking Trip - Aug. 2-5, both groups

**Please note: earlier scheduled winter camping weekend Jan 31- Feb 2 has been canceled.  Sorry about that.